Enforcing Full-Screen Mode

Executing the exams with Full Screen Lock increases Exam Security because the participant cannot leave the exam screen during the exam, while the exam can be automatically terminated if he/she exits. If the Full Screen Lock is active, the participant must switch to Full Screen before starting the exam. They can only start the exam after switching to full screen. If the participant…

Asking Randomized Questions

Asking different questions to each participant increases Exam Security because no one knows in advance which questions will appear on their exam. You can create several Pools of Questions for an exam; you can specify how many questions to ask to each participant from each question pool. With the Page Editor, Random Page Picker, and Random Question Picker in the Exam Builder Editor,…

Time Limits

Specifying a Time Limit in the exam positively affects Exam Security. In the Exam Builder Editor, you can set a time limit in 3 dimensions: Exam’s time limit Time limit for each section Time limit for each page For detailed information, you can visit the Time Limits Settings page.

Restricting Navigation

During the exam, the participant can be restricted to go back and forth: Between the exam sections. Between the pages of each section. The permissions for user to go back and forth between the sections in the exam and between the pages in each section can be determined separately in the Exam Builder Editor as follows: Allow going forward &…

Shuffling Order

In the exam, shuffling the order for each participant can increase Exam Security. The following orders in the exam can be determined randomly for each participant: Order of the sections in the exam Order of the pages in the section Order of questions on the page Order of choices for questions In an exam, the order…

Enhance Security for Online Exams

Undoubtedly the biggest concern in Online Exams is ensuring Exam Security. People can’t be expected to be honest unless you take the necessary Security Measures. Because when people realize that the necessary precautions are not taken, they quickly take the conviction that others will take advantage of this security vulnerability to pass in front of them. Therefore, the person who executes the exam should take…

Exporting Exam Reports

To export the exam results you have listed, click on the icon . In the Export Manager Window that opens, select the exam to export the results of. If you select the Test Results, each test result is exported according to your choices. If you select Test Questions And Answers, each question and the given answer will be exported for…

Photos and Video

By clicking on the fifth tab of the Exam Result Report, MONITORING, you can access the photos and video clips of the candidate taken during the exam. In the case of Photo Shooting, all captured images are shown. In the case of Video Recording, all recorded videos are shown in one minute clips.

Answers and Evaluation

By clicking on the ANSWERS that are the fourth tab of the Exam Result Report, all sections and pages of the exam that have been performed are shown along with the answers that the user has given. On Exam Paper: Answers given by the participant to all questions For each question, whether the answer given is true or…

Success Rates and Scores

By clicking on SCORES, in the third tab of the Exam Result Report, you can reach all the Success Rates calculated for the relevant exam. Many results can be obtained from an exam. Which results can be accessed depends on the structure of the exam and the questions contained within the exam. For example: If your exam consists of many sections…