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Introduction to the Question Bank

The question bank has two main purposes: to store your questions and enable you to reach the questions you need swiftly. The first of these two purposes is easy to accomplish. All question banks allow you to store your questions. However, the second purpose is harder to achieve and differentiates a question bank from the others.

In addition to the two basic purposes we have listed above, Test Invite Question Bank:

  • Is fully integrated with the Exam Builder. It allows you to add questions stored in the Question Bank to the exams easily. Additionally, you can also implement scenarios where exams will randomly select questions from the question bank.
  • Supports control / approval processes before questions are added to the question bank.

Since 2014, we have managed the question banks of more than one hundred customers from many different fields such as schools, hospitals and companies, and encountered many different requirements in these processes. Test Invite Question Bank has been developed based on our experience in these processes.


The folders are the foundation of the question bank. It is extremely easy to understand and use. By placing your questions in different folders, you group your questions.

This method may seem sufficient; however (often) it is not sufficient to group questions using only folders. Let’s explain with an example:

You have ten mathematics and five geography questions, and you placed mathematics questions in the Math folder and geography questions in the Geography folder. However, you later decided that you want to store the sources of these questions in the Question Bank. In this case, many question banks encourage to create subfolders under each folder. For example, you can create two more folders under the Math folder as Source A and Source B. Then, you need to repeat the same process for the Geography folder and move the questions to the subfolders.

However, when you apply this method, as you can quickly notice, you cannot access both mathematics and geography questions of Source A at once. Because the folders sharply distinguish questions from each other. Instead, you want to make a cross-folder query. (All questions in both the A Source folder under the Geography folder and the A Source folder under the Math folder.)

For example, you may want to store the features of the questions in the question bank, such as the difficulty level of the questions, the year of creationthe name of the editor, the sub-topic title, and according to these features, you may want to access any questions you want easily. In such cases, simply dividing the questions into folders would not be sufficient.

Therefore, the use of folders is only suitable for sharp groupings.

For example, you are a teacher who teaches at two different schools, and you do not want the questions you create for your students in two schools to be mixed up also, you want to separate the questions completely. Alternatively, as a company, you want to separate completely the questions you use for your recruitment exams and the ones you use for promotion. In such cases, the use of folders is appropriate because it draws impassable limits for a group of questions.

On the other hand, grouping the questions through folders prevents you from accessing the questions that are in different folders but similar in terms of features, all at once. For such cases, the use of Tags is more appropriate.


There are two main characteristics that differentiate the tag from the folder:

Adding tags to the questions allows you to make cross-queries through these tags and easily access the questions you want. For example:

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