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Multiple Choice Questions

In the multiple choice question, the user is presented with choice or choices to choose from. We start creating our question (as in all questions) by writing our question in the Question Title section. Then we add our choices for our question.

In the Multiple Choice Question Editor:

  • You can add as many choices as you want
  • You can rearrange the choices you added
  • You can change the order of choices
  • You can delete a choice you added

Since the choice adding editor is the Rich Content Editor (just like the question titles), you can add formatted text, images, sound recording files, videos or files to the choices.

General Settings

  • If the sort the choices randomly is selected, the choices for the question are ordered randomly (mixed) for each exam and for each user. However, if you want the order of some choices to remain constant, you can fix the order of the choices. For example, in the following question, the order of the choices is mixed randomly, but the 4th choice is fixed in the 4th place.
  • If Side Effects are selected, Side Effects can be added to each choice.
  • Threshold: If the user’s success rate remains below the threshold, the system sets the success rate to zero.
  • Minimum Selection: Determines the minimum number of choices that the user can choose.
  • Maximum Selection: Sets the number of choices that the user can choose the most. The maximum number of choices cannot be less than the minimum number of choices.

Contribution & Success Rates

Determining Success Effect Rates and Calculating Success Rate: Each option has a Success Effect Rate. The Success Effect Rate can be positive or negative.

When answering the question, the user achieves the Success Rate in proportion to the Total Success Effect Rate of the choices he/she chose.

  • The user getting 100% from the question means complete success. Similarly, getting 50% means half success from the question. As long as the user’s total Success Rate is greater than zero, he / she earns points based on the success rate of the related question.
  • If you want the user to get negative points in case of wrong answer to the question, you can set Negative Success Effect Rate to the wrong choices.


Automatic Corrections and Threshold Application Applied on Success Rate

  • Sum of the Success Effect Rates of the choices the user chooses (= Success Rate):
    • If it exceeds 100%, the system will correct the Success Rate to 100%. (Success rate cannot exceed 100%)
    • As a result, the success score is calculated as a value between -100% and 100%.

One Correct Option

  • Set the Maximum Selection and Minimum Selection options to 1.
  • Just set the Success Effect Rate of the right option to 100%; In this case, the user who chooses the right choice gets Full Success from the question

If you set the Success Effect Rate of many choices to 100%, the user who chooses any of these choices will get Full Success from the question.

  • Similarly, if a choice is set to have the 50% Success Effect Rate; and If you set the Success Effect Rate of another choice to 100%, the user will succeed in the question in proportion to the Success Effect Rate of the choice he/she chooses.

Multiple Correct Options

  • If you want multiple choices of your question to be selectable, set the Maximum Selection and Minimum Selection settings as desired.
  • Determine the Success Effect Rates of the Choices.
  • For example, in the following case, only users who choose the first and third choices together can achieve full success from the question. Because the Success Effect Rate of the first choice is 50%, and the contribution rate of the third choice is 50%, 100% is obtained. If he only selects the first or only third choice, he gets 50% success from the question. A user who chooses the second or fourth choice will get a 0% success rate.

Negative Success Effect Rate

Determining the Negative Success Effect Rate (Penalty) to the Choices: If you want to reduce the success rate of the user if some choices are selected, you can define the Negative Success Effect Rate to the related choices.

For example, in the example above , the user who chooses choice 1 and choice 2 together achieves 75% success.

Question Point

As a result, the user selects a number of choices and achieves a Success Rate of -100% to 100%. As we will see on the Point and Dimensions page, this success rate multiplies by the point of the question and affects the exam result. For example, if the user has 100% success from a question and the point is 2, the exam score (100% x 2 =) is increased by 2 points.

Side Effects

Some questions are not used to measure success, but to measure tendencypersonality trait (personality inventories / personality tests), motivationpreference, etc. In such questions, the choices are not true or false. Instead; each choice is provided to act on a Side Effect Category with a designated score. Let’s look at the example below:

According to the example above; if the user:

  • Selects the first choice ( Learning by listening ), the auditory ability score is increased by 1.
  • Selects the second choice ( Learning by watching ), the visual ability score is increased by 1.

You can add multiple Side Effects to each choice.

If the added Side Effect Category Name contains “/”, the category points are automatically distributed into tree structure and collected.

For example, if the Side Effect Category Name is Abstract Intelligence / 3D Thinking; It affects both Abstract Intelligence score and Abstract Intelligence / 3D Thinking score.

When the multiple choice question is answered, 1 success point is calculated. Side Effects do not affect the success score. Unlike the success score, Side Effects are collected under the Side Effect Categories that you will determine.

Choice’s Reporting Name

While describing the Question Title entry, we talked about what the Reporting Name does. Likewise, you can define the Reporting Name for your choices.


  • When you select the preview option, you can see how your question will be displayed to the user.
  • You can choose from options such as the user, then you can calculate the success score of the choices you made by pressing the success score preview button.

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