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Account page new features

Accounts can update their own passwords. Accounts can update their own emails. Accounts can confirm their own emails via activation code mechanism, they recieve an email which includes 10 min. activation code, by entering activation code they can confirm their email, and gifted with 10 test credits. Accounts can delete their own accounts, with that…

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Spell Check is disabled for exams & tests

In an exam can you put 3 kinds of text-entry question: Question with a text field Question with a text area Question with a rich text editor In all of the above options, the user is expected to write a text. Before the version 8.06 of the Test Invite Exam Software; if the user had…

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File Uploader question in Lockdown exams

Among the answering options for the input question is File Uploader where the user responds to the question by selecting a file in the computer. This question type now complies with the lockdown exams as well. The user is expected to select a file within a limited time (default is 30 seconds). During this time frame only can the user violate the fullscreen enforcement…

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Customized legal notice/consent prompt issue fixed

Students or candidates who would like to take an online exam can be asked to confirm a customized legal notice/consent prior to starting the exam. Read this article to learn how you can setup you own legal notice/consent content. We were informed that this confirmation dialog screen was causing some minors problems in a few devices when the content is too…

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Barcodes and QR codes for questions

When editing a test, editors can now enable barcodes and/or QR codes for questions of the entire test. These codes will have the id of each questions embedded, and will appear next to each question while candidates are taking the test. This feature will give organizations an easy way to view the question ID’s, as…