Exam Software now supports Српски/Serbian for candidate screens

Test Invite exam software supports 3 languages for both the admin and the candidate/student side, as well as the help center. English Spanish Turkish Additionally, Test Invite Exam Software supports the following languages for only the candidate/student screens: French Italian Dutch With the latest release (version 8.0.16), the assessment platform now supports the Serbian language as well…

Assessment instructions no longer visible if the exam inside the step has been completed by the candidate

In the Test Invite exam software, you can place instructions prior to starting an exam, test or assessment. Instructions are rich contents that you can create which can include images, audio, video and/or rich/formatted text contents. Until version 8.0.15 of the online exam software, the system was always displaying the instructions even if the exam…

Test Analytics Report

Introductory Information Test analytics reporting is where you can report analytical data of a taken tests, in addition you can create your own norms with selected test results. What is New? New field added to participation section as Step id, three fields added to activity section as Last Completion Event, Last Completion Container, Last Completion Button.

Questions and users can be assigned by Tags that are not indexed – Question Bank and User Bank will not make use of these tags

Introductory Information When you assign one or multiple tags to a question and then save this question into the question bank; the question bank will automically update its _indexes _so that you can query the question bank by selecting tags and find the right set of questions easily. However there may be some cases where you would like to add…

Exam authoring tool provides a rich content editor with Font, Heading and Color Selection

The rich content editor of the Test Invite Exam Software enables both the administrators and the users generate rich content via an easy-to-use interface. Administrators make use of this component while creating exam, test and questions. On the other hand, the students or candidates can submit their answers for the subjective questions by using the same editor….